Hi! I'm Kelly

My longest season of life was 19 years in Virginia, where I created a life running a million-dollar business for a fantastic company. When the company sold, I had to find myself again, realizing that no matter how hard you work for someone else’s dream, it can disappear unexpectedly. 10 years invested, but all I learned in leadership are irreplaceable.

From that, I moved on to a few more cities among a couple more states over the following few years. After experiencing homelessness, I handed it all over to God once and for all.

I will never forget that one-way plane ride “home” holding on to 2 suitcases, representing 22 years of my life. While humiliating and humbling, completely starting over turned into the greatest gift, sparking a genuine and undeniable journey to wholeness and healing. I am growing, sharing, loving, and being present.

My Inspiration for GGlowry LLC

My inspiration for my skin-gglowry line began in late 2019 back home in upstate NY, 21 days before Covid hit. I decided it was time to create and build something of my own. Through my mess, I passionately developed an intentional line of products used to heal my skin condition, inspire me to love myself daily, and share the blessing with you. I extensively researched the top 20 global natural skincare companies, discovering what products they sold, what ingredients they used, how they marketed, and what made them successful. Then, I shifted my research to find the best natural, organic, and wildcrafted ingredients and how to properly formulate each product. Then choosing each ethically sourced ingredient wisely. My quest for skin and spirit wellness led to a passion that encourages daily rest, relaxation, and moments of restoration for not only myself now but for everyone.

From humble beginnings in my mom’s kitchen, now in my own home, I hope my products will help transform how you feel about your skin, body, and life.

What Does GGlowry Mean?

GGlowry means "To God be the Glory"

It literally symbolizes the very reason I am alive and continue to smile through all life's seasons.